
Professional Training

  • Completed a training course at Ontario Police College at Aylmer, from May 29 to June 4, 2006. The certificate course was titled, Community Policing and Mobilization Program (CPMP), and organized in collaboration with Queens University under the auspices of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.
  • Attended a United Way organized workshop on Multi-stakeholders Collaboration for Positive results at Citi Collegiate, Ottawa, on June 8, 2005.
  • Attended training in Social Entrepreneurship, organized by Social Planning Council Ottawa on Friday Nov 26, 2004.
  • Attended Canadian CED Network National Conference at St. Sault Marie from May 4-7, 2005.
  • Attended a workshop on A Cultural Based Approach to Outcomes, organized by Community Based Research Network of Ottawa (CBRNO) on January 28, 2005.
  • Attended a Workshop on Alternative to Logic Model organized by Community Based Research Network of Ottawa (CBRNO) on February 04, 2005.
  • Attended National Community Economic Development Conference at Salt St. Mary in May 2005.
  • Completed 4 day Wildlife Conservation Youth Leaders Training, organized by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, WWF, University of Maine, and NCCW's on how to plan and implement different approaches towards wildlife conservation and creating environmental awareness and among Youth and general public of Pakistan, in Lahore in 1990.
  • Four-day training in Organizational Development and Human Excellence conducted in Peshawar in 1997.
  • Training of Trainers course conducted by Consultants from Netherlands under the auspices of Forestry Sector Project in the fist week of November 1997. Also participated in a three-day follow up field visit to Swat in February 1998. Was a member of Forest Department Reforms Group that met and deliberated on possible reforms on several occasions at Peshawar, Swat and Abbottabad.
  • Commonwealth Course sponsored course in Organization and Human Resource Development conducted by Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) from November 20 to December 10, 1997.
  • Three-day training course in Gender and Development by National Rural Support Program, Islamabad from 15-17th of November 1997.
  • On-the-Job training in designing training, managing HRD systems, preparing training material and running a training institute at Human Resource Development Section of NRSP, Islamabad for two weeks in August 1997.
  • Training in Environmental Management arranged by SPCS-Peshawar, IUCN-Pakistan and Lead-international Pakistan Office from 18 to 23 April 1998.
  • Training in Organizational Development at KZR Islamabad that was organized for the management of SRSP from 22-23 August 1998.
  • Participated and presented SRSP’s experiences and lessons learned in UNDP's Strategy Workshop, held in Quetta from November 9-11, 1998.
  • Training in Training Needs Assessment at NGO Resource Centre Karachi from October 20-23, 1999. I was sponsored by IUCN for attending this course.
  • Attended Global Biodiversity Forum with IUCN team at Colombo, Sri Lanka from October 24-27, 1999 and presented a paper on “Streamlining Biodiversity through Multi-sectoral Programmes in South East Asia.” (
  • Training in Effectiveness of Training at SDPI, Islamabad in April 2000. I was sponsored by IUCN.
  • Four-day training course in Organizational Capacity Assessment and Organizational Development from September 26-29, 2000 at Peshawar. For this course, I was sponsored by IUCN Pakistan.
  • Completed two rounds of Training of Trainers session with UNICEF at Sakkur and Islamabad for designing and implementing Union council level planning course in July and September 2002.